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Why I Do What I Do

People often ask me why I am became a social worker. Of course, there’s many reasons why I wanted to help people - part of it is just who I am. I was always the person my friends came to for a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. I’m also insatiability curious. I want to know about people and why they do what they do and about their lives. I believe people are doing the best that they can and I believe people are good at heart and are capable of change. It’s not always on my timeline (it rarely is!) and in the ways I would like - but people do change.

When I applied with Dr. Laura Markham to train with her to become a Certified Peaceful Parenting Coach, it was because once again, I was the person everyone was coming to for advice, resources, and support. I was directing my insatiable curiosity towards all things parenting because parenthood was kicking my ass. Physician, heal thyself and all of that. But once I did my training and got a handle on my own triggers in my own therapy, I wanted to share with other parents the education, information, and insights I’d gained.

Forgive me for saying this, I am a child of the 80s, but I do believe the children are the future and if we could raise a generation of child with emotional intelligence, empathy, and kindness, they could change everything. I started to begin to help one family at a time - first in workshops and then in private parenting coaching. Then that one family would tell another family who would tell their school. Over the last 3.5 years, I’ve been so grateful to have personally spread the word of peaceful parenting to thousands of families.

I’ve spent the day thinking about why I do what I do after I received a message from a client. I have her permission to share it with you.

Hi Lisa, I wanted to tell you something that happened to me today. I was at stroller strides and while I was running I noticed this older man on a bench holding a cat. The man looked so sad. I stopped running and asked him if he was ok. He told me his cat Zorro was dying. He needed to put the cat to sleep but just couldn’t do it. I sat with him and we both cried. He told my 5 year old he was sorry for crying in front of her. My daughter said, It is okay to cry and be sad.”In the past I would of reassured the man that everything would be ok...blah,blah. But this time I just listened and gave him empathy. I owe this to you, and your coaching skills. Thank you so much. Your hard work is making the world a better place as well as future generations. Thank you!

Peaceful parenting isn’t just about our children and our families. When we carry these principles of empathy, compassion, welcoming feelings, showing up for each other, deep listening into the all of our relationships, our communities, the people we meet at the park, and the world, things change. We change.



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