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The Best Podcasts for Kids!

Quite often, I consider going back to a flip phone (do they even make them anymore?) because I wonder if smartphones do more harm than good because of their power over all of us. Of course, actually giving up my iPhone would require a lot of sacrifice. The primary reason that I could never give it up are podcasts. My name is Lisa and I am a podcast addict. If we have a personal conversation, chances are good that I will bring up a podcast episode that you *have to* listen to or recommend one specific to your interests.

I was thrilled as I started to discover podcasts for kids and began to introduce them to my daughter. They are a great alternative to screen time. Plus, they can make car trips less stressful and more enjoyable. Podcasts provide a common experience to share and to connect over. We’ve developed many inside jokes taken from podcasts we’ve listened to and we’ve learned a lot too. Here are our favorites:

Story Pirates: This is one of our entire family’s favorite. Each episode, the crew aboard the Story Pirates’ ship takes original stories from real kids around the county and turns them into a wildly funny comedy podcast for kids. Previous seasons of Story Pirates include a reading of the actual story, the Story Pirates adaptation and then a phone call with the kid author. They are hilarious and catchy.

Favorite episode: “Eat a Spider Day” Fun fact: I once found my husband listening to this one alone in his office while he worked. It's that funny!

Wow in the World: Every episode, hosts Mindy and Guy guide curious kids and their grown-ups away from their screens and on a journey. Through a combination of careful scientific research and fun, we'll go inside our brains, out into space, and deep into the coolest new stories in science and technology. Wow in the World is very punny which makes us all giggle an awful lot.

Favorite episode: “Invasion Of The Sea Pickles”

Stories Podcast: Each episode of Stories Podcast is an interesting and engaging story. Topics include animals, monsters, insects, history, and more. One of the things I love most is when they create a new story out of an old fairy tale.

Favorite episode: “Persephone’s Winter”

But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids: But Why is a show led by kids! The hosts take questions asked by real kids and find the answers. It's a big interesting world out there. On But Why, they tackle topics large and small, about nature, words, even the end of the world.

Favorite episode: “Why Do Flamingos Stand On One Leg?”

Tumble Science Podcast for Kids: Tumble is a science podcast for kids, to be enjoyed by the entire family. We tell stories about science discoveries, with the help of scientists! Join Lindsay and Marshall as they ask questions, share mysteries, and share what science is all about.

Favorite episode: “The Voyage of the Ocean Trash”

Brains On! This is another podcast featuring science and kids. They ask questions and go wherever the answers take us. Sometimes that means talking to a food scientist or a snake handler, other times that means putting on a play about sound waves or writing songs about sleep. A different kid co-hosts each episode. The hosts talk to them about the interesting stuff they’re doing and the things they think about. It’s a science lesson for your ears – so join in and turn your brains on!

Favorite episode: “Cats: Glowing eyes, puffy tails, and secret purrs"

This Podcast Has Fleas: This is the newest podcast for kids and it’s pretty amazing. What happens when rival pets have dueling podcasts? Find out as Jones, a slick cat with a taste for auto tune, faces off with Waffles, a dog who can’t help chewing her microphone.

This comedy series for kids features original music, and a cast of household pets, including Benny the gerbil and the sage-like goldfish, Mr. Glub. In each episode of This Podcast Has Fleas, Waffles and Jones navigate a daily drama, such as a chaotic sleepover party, a trip to the vet, and the dreaded cone of shame.

Favorite episode: “I can’t decide! They are all my favorite!” We’ve listened to all of them at least twice!

I hope you and your children enjoy listening to some of these awesome podcasts together! Let me know which one was your favorite!



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