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Frequently Asked Questions
Do you meet with the whole family?It begins with us. When we change, the whole family changes, and because of that, I only work with parents. I will learn everything I need to learn about your child(ren) from you.
Do you take insurance?Parent coaching is currently not covered by insurance.
How is coaching different than therapy?Coaching is similar to therapy in that we will definitely talk a lot about feelings (yours and your children’s); I am social worker, after all! We will also talk about your own childhood because for better or for worse, we learn how to parent from our parents. Most folks who come to me want to do things differently but don’t have a road map. Coaching is very practical and more directive than typical therapy. We will go through specific scenarios where I will peacefully interrupt with different words or actions you can use to shift the energy. Coaching is full of education, empathy, and problem solving. Many clients cry in sessions and all laugh. Laughter is one of my favorite therapeutic tools as a coach, parent, and human being. You’ll leave with evidence-based homework and things to practice in between sessions.
Where are you located?I live in San Diego, CA. Thanks to the magic of the internet, I have the opportunity to work with parents all over the U.S. and overseas. My flexible scheduling affords people in all time zones to schedule appointments.
Do you offer a sliding scale?I offer several sliding scale sessions per month. Schedule a consultation call here to discuss details.
Are you LGBTQIA+ affirming?Yes, I am LGBTQ+ affirming. I am also affirming of different and alternative relationships, including polyamorous relationships.
What is Peaceful Parenting?Peaceful Parenting is one of many terms used to describe what researchers call “authoritative parenting.” Research shows again and again how children parented with high expectations and high support to meet those expectations grow into emotionally intelligent, responsible, and independent adults. Peaceful Parenting is grounded in attachment theory (not attachment parenting, although I support babywearing and co-sleeping if that works for your family!), which tells us that young children need to develop a relationship with at least one primary caregiver for social and emotional development. Because what I teach is focused on creating and maintaining a strong, secure attachment and repairing ruptures which inevitably happen, parents find more cooperation from their children and more joy in parenting. Peaceful Parenting can be boiled down to two words: kind and firm. We focus on regulating our own emotions so we can model self-control and react rather than respond. We work to create and strengthen our connection with our children on a daily basis. We set limits with empathy, seeking to see things from our child’s perceptive.
How do you meet with clients?At this time, I meet with parents on Zoom, FaceTime, or on the telephone – your preference.
How often are coaching sessions?I work with parents individually to determine how often to meet. If parents come to me in crisis, I will often recommend several weekly sessions in a row to develop a relationship and build a strong starting tool kit. Accountability is a very helpful component to coaching and meeting regularly helps to reinforce that. Once there is some progress and stability, I encourage parents to spread out sessions, leaving a couple of weeks in between to work on developing skills.
How long are sessions?Sessions are 60 minutes in length. I also offer 30-minute sessions which are best suited for smaller specific concerns or a regularly scheduled check-in (generally with established clients).
What makes you different from other coaches?Prior to becoming a Certified Peaceful Parenting Coach, I spent 21 years working with children and families (see my resume here) in a variety of settings. Many of those years were spent working with neurodiverse children and adults, helping them and their parent navigate challenging behaviors and burgeoning independence. After receiving my Master of Social Work, I worked for many years as a hospice social worker, assisting patients and their families in the discussion and resolution of intimate family dynamics, as well as coaching them through some of the hardest conversations of their lives. I can sit with people in their pain and discomfort with empathy and compassion. All of this previous professional experience led me here. I bring my knowledge, expertise, resources, and skills with me. No situation is too complicated; no challenge is too complex. I can help you to unravel it all with grace.
Why do parents seek coaching?Parenting is hard and even if you’ve read books and taken classes, it’s often difficult to apply those teachings to your children and family. Parents seek coaching to help them apply principles and ideas to their individual families. We are all so different and there is no one-size-fits-all. Some of the common reasons parents reach out for support include: tantrums; mismatched parenting styles; discipline; self-regulation; yelling; sleep struggles; getting out of the door in the morning; feeling disrespected; changes in family circumstances; divorced parents struggling with co-parenting; anxiety; defiance; death; puberty; executive function challenges; and, underlying all of these things, the fear that they are somehow failing as a parent. You’re not. I promise.
How many coaching sessions will I need?As a social worker, one of my core beliefs is every person is deserving of their own individualized support. I start where you are, respecting without judgment the self-determination and dignity of each parent. As a result, I customize coaching to each individual client, and therefore cannot predict how many sessions it will take for you to reach your goals. Some parents come in with a specific issue they want to address, and when they are ready and able to complete homework assignments, they tend to see changes in themselves and their family relatively quickly. In other cases, parents are new to Peaceful Parenting or may have more complex challenges and/or busy lives, and thus creating space and time for coaching sessions and the accompanying work can be difficult. For these parents, it will take a longer time to reach their goals. I work with parents at their pace and my hope is to help you create meaningful change to find more joy and cooperation in parenting as soon as possible. Most parents who work with me begin to see changes quickly and I have many who take a break from coaching and return as their children grow and face new challenges.
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